Mission statement: To Create Virtual Narration.

Business Model

CVN PICTURES (LLC) is an American independent film-making company headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. Its primary business model is to manage inhouse motion picture productions. The company also aims to vertically integrate its operations to support diligent filmmakers to develop, produce and promote films in both commercial and non-commercial categories.


CVN PICTURES' goal is to support and encourage ardent filmmakers trying to showcase their creative talent to the world. Are you an established filmmaker and want to make connections with the film community in St. Louis? Or are you looking for film technicians to join and assist your film crew? Or are you in need of film equipment for a project in development? Do you need to workshop a script to develop it better? The company can direct you in the right path and will put you in contact with established filmmakers in the greater St. Louis area to help you bring your film ideas to the big screen. Or in modern times, to any sized screen.


CVN PICTURES strives to develop an environment where passionate and ambitious filmmakers can work together as a team to entertain people through the medium of visual storytelling. No matter how experienced you are, the company welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with everyone who is legitimate and really serious about their passion in filmmaking. The company has a great pool of resources to find a right place for you in the greater St. Louis area to get started in films. There are several opportunities to wear multiple hats under this creative umbrella such as directing, producing, screenwriting, audio mixing, cinematography, editing, lighting, gaffing, acting, etc.

If you need more information, please reach out to us at info@cvnpictures.com or directly fill out the form in our contact page.